Siirry sisältöön

Our services in brief

Trainings and courses

We train  hundreds of management, development and quality management professionals annually. Our training calendar consist of more than 40 courses each year, open to all. From our training calendar you’ll find courses about internal auditing, ISO 9001, lead auditing, sustainability management and CSRD reporting, change management, Lean Six Sigma and more. Though many of our open to all courses are in Finnish, we’re happy organize on-demand any of our courses also in English.

NEW! Lean Six Sigma Green Belt in English starts 30 September 2024

We have nearly 20 years of experience in coaching Lean Six Sigma methodology and its effective application. Over the decades we have trained some 500 Green Belt professionals. This Autumn we offer Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training open to all also in English. Check more information and sign up now!

Tailored solutions

We offer consultancy projects from training programs to workshops and large-scale development projects. Our experts are experienced management and facilitation professionals that can help you with quality development and management, sustainability, knowledge management, organizational culture and strategy facilitation.

Our aim is to make concrete changes to the way your organization works. That’s why all our consultancy services are always tailored to your needs to ensure visible change and results. Book an appointment below and let’s discuss more. We are here to help!

Contact our sales manager Elise Kuorikoski to discuss more about your organization’s needs.

Members enjoy 25 % discount from trainings

As a member of Excellence Finland our events and networking services are available to the your entire organization, free of charge. All year round, we arrange member events with themes related to customer experience, process performance, the development of organizational culture among other things. In addition, our deciding member organizations get 25 % discount from all our trainings.